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Membership is for skaters who are under the age of 18 (on joining) and can remain in the skating club until they are 25.
If you are interested in joining, please contact the Membership Secretary who will advise you on the joining process.


Junior Club

For members who have passed all of grade 5 of the current Skate UK programme operated by British  Ice Skating. Members must be 15 or under on joining junior club and have to leave by their 16th birthday. As soon as a member achieves Silver grade, they must move on to Main Club.


Main Club

For members who have passed the Silver grade of the Skate UK Free Skating programme operated by British Ice Skating.


Both clubs run on a Friday night with Junior Club at 4:45pm - 5:30pm and Main Club at 5:30pm - 6:30pm.

Membership Prices

(Aged 17 and Under):

£260 annually which is paid in 4 payments of £65.00 on the 1st of each quarter (1st Jan, 1st Apr, 1st Jul and 1st Oct). This equates to £21.66 a month


(Aged 18 and Over):

£68.00 annually


Members aged 17 and under who have completed and achieved all segments of National 6 (or Advance Novice in the old test structure) in figure skating and/or ice dance will receive a special discounted price of £68 annual membership.  However, skaters must have achieved the required levels through a British Ice Skating National Test or a British Ice Skating permitted and approved Open competition or championship. 


Quarterly subscriptions are to be paid by standing order. Please contact the Membership Secretary who will provide you with the necessary forms.


The Club runs all year, throughout the school holidays. The only exceptions are for Show week, Galas and when the Leisure Centre is shut (i.e. Christmas Day and New Year's Day). 



When attending the Club, members must sign in on arrival and must be signed out on leaving by their parent or guardian (if under the age of 16). If your child is to be picked up by somebody other than their parent or guardian, written advice on this fact, including whom the child is to be released to must be given to a CRISC representative that evening. Failure to give this will mean that the child must be met by their parent.

Those members over the age of 16 must sign themselves out before leaving the premises.

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